Livia Devi Presents!  

888 Lion’s Gate Event

A Journey through Sirius Stargate Θθ

Date: 7th August 2024

Time: 7:00 PM (GMT)

The Lion's Gate Portal, peaking on August 8th, 2024, is especially potent this year due to the unique convergence of astronomical and planetary alignments.

The Sirius planet aligns with the Sun and the three stars of Orion’s Belt (Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka) align in a way that corresponds with the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, activating ascension timelines.

This year we will journey through the Stargate of Sirius B to Vega ( Alpha Lyrae) and through an interdimensional portal into the 8th Dimension of existence to activate Θθ and a multidimensional polytope technology that will create new higher dimensional timelines for humanity.

Join me and the 12D Sirius Council of Light, the 7D Arcturian Council of Light the Great White Lions and the Lyran Council of Light in a journey of many lifetimes of remembrance and receiving the heightened frequencies of the 888 Portal.

Here are the galactic points of this interdimensional travel experience:

1. Stargate Journey from Sirius B to Vega

  • Participate in a meditative journey through the Stargate of Sirius B to Vega (Alpha Lyrae), facilitated by the 12D Sirius Council of Light.

  • Receive transmissions and downloads from these star systems, enhancing your quantum awareness and aligning with the cosmic frequencies.

2. Interdimensional Portal Activation into the 8th Dimension

  • Engage in a powerful activation session that opens an interdimensional portal into the 8th Dimension of existence.

  • Connect with the Lyran Council of Light and the Great White Lions to integrate the higher dimensional energies and wisdom into your being.

3. Activation of Θθ and the 8TH Dimensional Technology

  • Experience a guided activation of Θθ, connecting with advanced 8th dimensional technology designed to create and stabilize higher timelines for humanity.

  • Understand the implications and applications of this technology in your personal ascension journey and the collective evolution of human consciousness.

4. Accelerate Timelines of Ascension and Remembrance

  • Explore and activate personal and collective ascension timelines that correspond with the pyramids of Giza and the alignments of Orion’s Belt.

  • Experience a deep sense of remembrance of your soul's journey and the heightened frequencies of the 888 Portal, facilitated by the 7D Arcturian Council of Light.

888 Lion's Gate EventA Journey through Sirius Stargate
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Livia Devi 5D Mentor, Trance-Channel for the 7D Arcturian Council of Light

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